Send audio from Reaper to OBS Studio with ASIO.

with ReaRoute ASIO Driver

In this article I will show you how to send your audio from reaper to OBS Studio. There are at least two ways of doing this as I know of. We can make use of ReaRoute ASIO Driver or ReaStream. Both comes shipped with Reaper DAW. This article will cover the use of ReaRoute ASIO Driver.

ReaRoute ASIO Driver is not enabled by default and needs to be enabled during the installation of Reaper.

Why use ReaRoute and not just ReaStream?

Well, when you use install ReaRoute ASIO Driver you will get an ASIO source in OBS. Ig you choose to go for ReaStream you will need to use it as a VST filter in OBS. In that case you will also need to install ReaPlugins since OBS does not find the native VST’s that comes with Reaper by default. Which you prefer is up to you.

Anyway, here is how you use ReaRoute ASIO Driver.


  1. Download the latest version of Reaper if you have not already
  2. Open the installation program
  3. Click on the plus sign at optional functionality
  4. Enable the checkmark and select to install ReaRoute ASIO Driver
  5. Install Reaper
  6. Start Reaper
  7. Click on the route button on the master output
  8. Add new hardware output
  9. Choose ReaRoute 1 & ReaRoute 2

OBS Studio

  1. Open OBS
  2. Pick your scene of choice
  3. Add ASIO as a source
  4. Choose ReaRoute ASIO
  5. Choose stereo or mono. I chose stereo
  6. Choose ReaRoute Reaper to Client 1 on OBS channel 1
  7. Choose ReaRoute Reaper to Client 2 on OBS channel 2
  8. Press Ok

You are now done. If it by some reason does not work as expected it seems to help to open OBS first and then Reaper.

I made a video, showing step by step how to do it.

